Detailed Letter Tracking

Always know where your letters are

Pingen offers detailed letter-tracking information for every letter. Thanks to the easy-to-understand Track & Trace feature, you can always stay up to date about the status and location of your letters.

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Letter tracking DHL
Letter Control Center

Everything at a glance

In Pingen, all letters are listed in one place with their status clearly visible. This way, you immediately see which letters are pending, in processing, or have been sent. If letters are reported as undeliverable by the post, they are also easily visible.

Letter Control Center
Detailed Track & Trace
Detailed Track & Trace

Step by step letter tracking

The Track & Trace feature allows you to follow every letter in real time, from transfer to Pingen, through to printing to handover to the post. This way, you always know where your letters are.

Benefits of letter tracking

Why is letter tracking important?

Letter Control Centre

Full transparency

With detailed letter tracking, you can follow every processing step in real time. You always have full transparency about the status of your letters.

Returns processing

Detect undeliverable letters

If letters can’t be delivered by the post, you’ll see this information in the letter tracking, along with all the relevant postal return information.

Step by step letter tracking

Act if required

Letters are assigned a specific status at each processing step. If action by you is required, you’ll see this immediately based on the letter’s status.

Online Letter Service with Letter Tracking

Send letters online and never lose track of them thanks to detailed letter tracking. No minimum quantities or setup fees!

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